We live in the village/ small town of Galera on the Altiplano to the North-East of Granada. The house is a cave house dugout about 200 years ago, from what we can establish, though this is by no means authoritative. The house is on 2 levels with part of the upper level being like a large dormer window above the level of the hill. The rooms go back into the hill 3 deep and light filters in through internal glass doors. The cave is naturally cool in the summer and easy to heat in the winter. The fact that it is on 2 levels means that there is a constant slow movement of air through house, by natural convection, which keeps it fresh and avoids condensation.

Outside we have a small patio which is a shady place to sit in the summer.

The house is situated in a 'barrio' of similar houses.
And this is the view from our 'roof'' over the Altiplano to the hills of Sierra Secas and La Sagra.
Orce swimmimg pool. |
Huescar Pool |
And beautiful lakes created by the dams which catch the valuable water from rain and winter snow melt
.After the spring rains the Altiplano blooms.
But there is enough water stored in the mountains to keep the rivers following all summer.
This is the Magdellena falls after the spring rains. It is one of the most spectacular of our waterfalls but there are lots of others.
And we have lots of mountains..........
But most of them are good geriatic mountains and can be ascended by just walking!